Tuesday 15 November 2016


Hello everybody,
I hope everyone is well. and  I believe the following directions are my previous miniature projects.

I don’t have a background in interior design, but have been a creative person my whole life. This project came about after I had finished shadow box vintage room (1yr b4). I really enjoyed it, and wanted to continue creating these crazy miniatures, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. 
Many crafters seem to be afraid of making miniatures from scratch. I actually think they are quite easy, if not a little time consuming. 

Nowadays we are getting many style, different materials like metal charms, resin, mdf, fabric etc miniature embellishments. Why we don't create our own small space?  

Here is some more pics in different angle

Let 's discuss the tips of this miniature project,

I really like using Mount board as it is so easy to work with. No power tools needed, it sticks together with  Aleene's glue or glue gun and you can use stick pins in it to secure it while it dries and use masking tape. 

Mount board This Neutral Mount Board is a must have for all kinds of scrapbooks and 3D shadow boxes.. You can create any size of shadow box with the help of the same. It is best to be used for the back of mixed media layouts. 

Its 2000 gsm strength makes it very special .

I let it dry a bit and then decided I did not like all the sharp edges so took the sandpaper to it and hacked them off.

Four sides i used 2 board together for more thickness 

For decorating my shadow box i took Prima Heaven sent paper collecttion.
Table no:1 The same board i used to make 3 drawer table 

Use Aleene's glue for sticking, then prime the entire table with white gesso . After drying use colors. Here i choose teal mica powder. 

Drawer knob: Liquid pearl drops, keep it for complete dry ( 2hr )

Here's another super easy cute miniature that will add so much charm to your sewing room
I took cardstock and design like freehand drawing
cut fringes into the oval  about 2 cm and glue the tread end on cardstock strip

By putting the thread over the first fringe, under the secon, over the third etc. Repeat this step upto just before end of the paper. 

Then i paint the whole basket with white gesso. After drying cut the balance paper part.

Table no.2

Cut the lolly pop stick, wrap with cream paper (cardstock) and glue on rectangle cut piece mount board
 How is it? so easy right....?
Next step: Collect more miniature stuff as much as you can
Start decorating
For soft color background embellishing i use purple color paper
The BG design from Prima marketing metal die : crochet doily  


 Color pencil or marker: Use toothpic

Side wall hanging frame

Framing sentiments with Wycinanka laser cut design

Arranaging Dress form with Jewelry bag 

Floor Mat : I used finnabair fabric pack

Organizing mini fabric stash 


Sorry, this was a long photo heavy post. I couldn't make a video. Well, that was it for today...there is so much to do I'm not sure what to do next...:-)
I hope you all have a great week,
I look forward to following your projects.
Have a great Day

Supplies used
Neutral Mount Board

Bottle Caps Assorted Sizes, 8/Pkg 

Prima marketing White Gesso



  1. beautiful project! love the use of the miniatures :)

  2. Super creative Suzna. Your attention to detail is commendable. I am sure you can build a miniature house from scratch now.Awesome. ..keep going.

    1. Thank you so much Rupa, your appreciation , encouragement means so much to me

  3. Very very creative Suzna...
    Beautiful project :-)

  4. So creative and very well explained! Love these cute miniature! Fantabulous!!!

  5. So so each and every element of this shadow box.

    1. Thank you Deepti for your sweet comment

  6. this is so adorable your miniatures

  7. So well made and detailed . Awesome job !!!

  8. This is brilliant :) love how you painstakingly put everything together, perfect detailing <3 thank you for the tutorial dear..

  9. This is amazing!! thanks so much for the step by step!!

  10. Stunning project!! Love how you handle those minis!! You must have a lot of patience!! :)


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