Sunday 17 August 2014

Bows- tutorial

Hey everyone!

Happy Sunday morning to you all! Sindhu here with a fun tutorial on how to make different kinds of bows with My Favorite Things Dainty Bows die set.

I love this die set as there are so many possibilities with it. You could make many types of bows and I'm going to show you four different kinds of them and also the assembling of the basic bow.

Let us start with the assembling of the bow...

Please click on the pictures to read all instructions...

I am not good with words and names, So I have no idea what to call these bows... First I thought I'd say 'Type 1 bow, type 2 etc. but I realized that it would be super boring! So I decided to name them even if the names don't fit!

So here is the first one.

The double bow- 

The layered bow-

The criss-cross bow- (Ahem! Sorry for the weird name!)

The triple layered bow-

So that is it for today. I hope you like these bows and will give them a try. 

Thanks for visiting! See you soon!


  1. Mind blowing tute Sindhu !!!
    I love love love it ....

  2. Thank you so much for tutorial Sindhu!!!!

  3. Great tutorial.The bows look cool.Thanks for letting us know of all the different options.

  4. Awesome Tutorial.. ! And bow will be such a cute embellie to add to a project.. very different and cool.. Thanks for sharing.. :) You rock as always.. :D

  5. SUper tutorial Sindhu...pinning this !


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