Wednesday 30 July 2014

Super excited

Hi all.....
I m shalini this side .....I know I am writing after such a long time but trust me my hands were itching to write for so long.....
And today as the title says I m super excited to share with you that I have very good news for you all......
So lets start with good news only.....
U know when I started crafting there are many people I  used to look forward and admire their work and there are many whom I used to see n think OMG how do they manage to do all this......
And as far as writing a blog post is concerned I m super lazy and that's why I don't do any posts n tutes ( so bad of me actually )
But there is one lady I would like to tell you about her .....if u go to her blog u will have a jaw dropping reaction because the kind of explanations n tutes she writes ...I think nobody can do that.......her write ups are mind blowing....she writes in such a good manner with simple language that everything becomes super easy.....also I must say that  she has the ultimate patience to describe each step which is outstanding.....
I love her just because she is so damn good at her tutes and now the best part is .....she is our proud DT .....yipeeeee.........And she will be doing her great reviews and tutorials for us......I m super excited.
So here is she darling doctor.....

                                                                   DR. SONIA
And here is little about her
Hi everyone I am Dr Sonia Suprabha Venugopal ,an ENT Head and Neck Surgeon from Kerala now settled in Bangalore. I was a proper book worm and studious girl all through my childhood and college years and never had a chance to explore my creative side till I had a little girl of my own and had to make crafty school projects for her! I infact started my  blog Cards Crafts & Kids Projects just to share our little school projects and kiddy cards...the blogging bug bit me and crafting evolved into a passion! Crafting for me is a wonderful distraction and a beautiful stress buster! And though I love crafting its strictly a hobby for me. Hobbies tend to die if not nourished  especially in our madly busy lives and I must confess one of the reasons I accepted a place in Shalini's Crafters corner Design team is to keep my crafting passion alive by challenging my creativity a bit more !! If I may use a medical simile--Shalini has her hand right on the pulse of the crafting world and I am super excited and thrilled [ and a bit scared too!!] to be on her Design team!
SO now look forward to her post tomorrow......
So I will catch u again with some good news ....


  1. Wow! Awesome news!! Welcome Sonia!! :)

    1. Thank you Sarah---I am super nervous right now so super glad to see your comment!!

  2. Wow! !! This is an awesome news!!! Welcome Dr. Sonia !!!

    1. Thank you so much Neha--so sweet of you to support me!

  3. Welcome !!! Gr8! To have u with us here

    1. Thank you so much Arjita....I have only admired your work from far happy to be able to interact with you too!!

  4. Wow!! Awesome news..Welcome Dr Sonia keep inspiring us by your projects..:)

    1. Thank you so much Radhika---So good to see my friends encouraging me!!

  5. Awesome news Doc! Waiting eagerly for your posts! :)

    1. Thank you so much Jaya....I am actually very very nervous!!Do be back tomorrow to encourage me on the first DTpost!!

    2. Wow...congrats & welcome Dr.Sonia....eagerly waiting to see your upcoming projects and inspiration s...:)

    3. Thank you so much Shalu---so kind of you to give me such a warm welcome

  6. I am very happy to hear this sonia. Congrats dear. many will be benefited by your tutes. Thanks to shalini too for choosing her as DT

    1. Thank you so much Shylaa for such sweet words--- I hope I can live upto everyone's expectations

  7. Welcome will so much fun to have you on the team

    1. Ha Ha speak about nervousness Tejal----I nearly chickened out yesterday and told Shalini I was backing out!! I am a bunch of nerves!!

  8. Hi Sonia, so good to see you here !!

    1. Thank you so much for the supportive words Suman!

  9. I can totally understand your excitement Shalini .I think its first time we are seeing Dr.Sonia as DT member for a blog ! Its a wonderful news.I have learned and continue to learn from her tutorials ,I will be interesting to read her posts for CraftersCorner. All the Best for new Role Dr.Sonia.Looking forward to your post as DT :D!! !

    1. Pooja you are right its the first time I have accepted a proper DT post and I am so glad you took time to pen down a few words Pooja as I am so nervous about the whole thing!! Be sure to drop by tomorrow too!

  10. Wao! So happy to see you as on the design team members here, Dr.Sonia. You are one of the most helpful and generous bloggers that I have come across and your patience with numerous step by step tutorials is really appreciated by everyone!

  11. Fantastic news Doc. Congratulations. Look fwd to your tutorials :)

    1. Thank you so much Kripa...thrilled to know you like my tutorials. Please do drop back tomorrow for a double crafty tutorial!

  12. Congratulations Sonia! Continue inspiring us!

    1. Thank you so much Tanvi-- Thank you for the support!

  13. Congratulations !! Doc.....
    Can't wait to see what you come up with....& get inspired by your always-awesome projects & tutorials !!

    1. Thank you so much Riti -- so super sweet of you !!

  14. I am a bit late ,but congratulations!I am very very happy for you and will be eagerly waiting for your posts.Best of luck!

    1. Thank you so much happy to always count on you to support me!


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